As a key Colorado resource and champion for energy-efficiency, EEBC educates and advises a diverse set of stakeholders on new and meaningful ways to pursue an energy-efficient economy that also benefits public health and the environment. Becoming an EEBC member aligns you with industry business leaders supporting energy efficiency along with a staff of experts to keep you ahead of the most pressing energy efficiency issues and trends.

EEBC represents a diverse group of businesses with different needs, revenues, and employees. Please see the application below to determine your membership level and annual dues. Complete the application to start your membership process.

EEBC Utility Opportunities:

Affiliate Partner members can participate in EEBC 'open forum' meetings. In addition, as part of the membership you will:

  • Be invited to 'open forum' Policy Action Committee [PAC] meetings and industry-specific Action Groups
  • Receive News You Can Use, the EEBC newsletter with aggregated industry news, events, program & policy updates
  • Be invited to EEBC Quarterly Member Meetings — hear about industry news, trends, opportunities, legislation updates, and participate in networking opportunities
  • Get exposure on the EEBC website with your business name, logo, and website link
  • Receive member benefits for up to ten employees on one membership

Our Policy Action Committee [PAC] meetings are a forum for EEBC industry members to strategize on positions to be taken at the state legislature or Public Utilities Commission [PUC]. It would not be appropriate for utilities to participate in strategic discussions on issues that may involve themselves either through counsel/lobbyists or well-positioned groups. Thus, our utility partners are welcome to discuss ideas and collaborate with the EEBC Board, staff, and members at Quarterly Member Meetings and other events. We are always sensitive and open to suggestions and ideas to ensure that EEBC meets your needs for updates before and during legislative and Public Utility Commission [PUC] sessions. 

Special Initiative Partner Projects | EEBC values our relationships and the expanded opportunities we can create together. We designed an informal communication loop through periodic forums with our Affiliate Partners and Action [Working] Groups. Our working groups are resources and tools to accelerate our members' business goals together in the marketplace.

EEBC will work with you to design custom projects and programs in your territory to impact your specific market goals by bringing collaboration and peer support with contractors, distributors, and manufacturers to help you inform your program design. These partner projects are developed as 'special initiatives' and are priced accordingly on an annual basis in addition to the $2,000 Affiliate Partnership Level.

If you require additional support or have questions, please contact Patricia Rothwell, EEBC Executive Director, at

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