5.22.2020 | UPDATES    COVID-19 Construction Guidance 040120        COVID-19 Safer at Home PHO Guidance


5.01.2020 | SBA Resumed Accepting PPP Loans

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) will again begin accepting applications for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) on Monday at 8:30 a.m. President Trump signed a bill Friday that provides $484 billion in more funding to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, including $320 billion more for forgivable loans and $60 billion for Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EID L). The bill also provides $75 billion in grants to hospitals and $25 billion to coronavirus testing. Read the legislation

To start your application process here are some steps from the Denver Metro Small Business Development Center to apply for this next round of funding.

PPP Loans  

  1. Verify your business’s eligibility
  2. Review the application and gather the necessary materials, such as payroll tax filings and proof of lease, mortgage, and utility payments. 
  3. Contact your accountant and/or bank that pays out your business’ payroll. Ask your lender if it is authorized to process your PPP loan. If you are not connected to an authorized lender, find an eligible lender.  

EIDL Loans 

  1. Verify eligibility through the SBA’s online portal.  
  2. Gather necessary materials, such as your business’ most recent tax return, owner’s or general partner’s personal financial statement, and schedule of liabilities.  
  3. Apply through SBA.  
  4. Check the status of your application by calling (800) 659-2955 or send an email to   

For more assistance, contact our Denver Metro Small Business Development Center at You can also reach the Small Business COVID-19 Disaster Response Hotline at (303) 860-5881. 

Mayor Hancock Extends Denver's Stay-at-Home Order through May 8 | Press Release

Jefferson County and Boulder County are extending their orders to May 8. 

The Small Business Majority | COLORADO

The information and resources provided here includes general state and federal guidance for navigating the COVID-19 outbreak, as well as specific information and resources for business owners.


 for a copy of the information below and more resources. 


SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans | COLORADO

Colorado small businesses impacted by COVID-19 can now seek individual small business loans up to $2M as part of the Small Business Administration’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan program.

Coronavirus: FEMA Reimbursement Eligibility For Emergency Protective Measures

A nationwide emergency declaration under the Stafford Act provides disaster relief funding to state and local governments and eligible non-profit entities in response to the outbreak of the coronavirus. Read more

Denver Supports Local Businesses & Employees

The City of Denver is working to identifying, developing and implementing local programs, including financial and wrap-around services, to support Denver business owners and their employees affected by the city’s public health response to COVID-19. The city is creating an initial relief fund of $4 million to support small businesses and the people most directly impacted by the disruptions caused by COVID-19.

Code Council Launches Coronavirus Response Center

The International Code Council is closely tracking how the global COVID-19 pandemic is affecting our industry. Aggregated information — such as Code Council news and resources, relevant resources from our partners, approaches taken by building departments around the world, and more — are available on a new Coronavirus Response Center webpage. Read more

Tactics For Minimizing COVID-19 Transmission In The Built Environment

Researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and the University of Oregon have published a paper — 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak: A Review of the Current Literature and Built Environment Considerations to Reduce Transmission — outlining transmission pathways of COVID-19 in the built environment, hoping to provide the industry guidance on minimizing the virus's spread. The team of researchers examined how the built environment can speed the transmission of pathogens like COVID-19 and highlighted the importance of proper HVAC ventilation practices, maintaining interior relative humidity levels to between 40% and 60%, proper lighting and exposure to daylight, and spatial configurations that might discourage social interactions as options for minimizing the transmission of COVID-19's viral particles. Read more


From The March 26th Quarterly Membership Meeting

CDC WEBSITE | Coronavirus

CDC | Update Summary

CDC | Protect Yourself

CDC | Protect House or Place of Business

OSHA | Guidance For Workplace Publication

EPA | Registered Disinfectants

3M | Novel Coronavirus Outbreak

3M | Respirators and Surgical Masks: A Comparison

Grainger | Communicable Diseases Website

Grainger | Emergency Preparedness Website

City of Fort Collins Utilities | COVID-19


REHVA | COVID-19 Guidance Document [March 17, 2020]

NCSL [National Conference of State Legislatures] | Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources For States

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